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Women's History Month Spotlight: Marianna Fite

It might officially be April 1 and no longer Women's History Month but it's always a good time to celebrate those who inspire us, like Marianna Fite.

The name Marianna means “grace or beloved” and that certainly describes Marianna Fite, our business operations coordinator located in the North Alabama chapter, Huntsville office.

Marianna came to the Red Cross nearly five years ago, “I was a stay-at-home mom until my twins turned five. I went through a divorce and needed to provide for my kids with no education and little job experience. I worked retail for several years, but I did not enjoy the retail hours and stress, so I went back to school. A friend informed me of an opening at the Red Cross, so I applied and was hired. Since the Business Operations Coordinator position was part-time, I was able to continue attending school.

Marianna says that working for the Red Cross has been such a great experience “the staff is great, but the volunteers are OUTSTANDING!” Marianna added, “I’ve met so many people that are of different ages, from different backgrounds, with different reasons for volunteering. Making those connections has been my favorite part of working for the organization.”

As a woman, it’s important to have people around you who care and are good influences. Marianna says that her best friend, Kim, is that person. “We’ve been friends since we were 14. We’ve seen each other through every season of our lives. Celebrated the good moments, and comforted each other during the bad ones. She is so positive and always gives me the truth, even if it isn’t what I want to hear. She is strong, intelligent, generous, and my biggest cheerleader in life.”

No one’s professional path is the same as another and although Marianna got a late start, she has quickly become a recognized and aspiring leader within our region. “Not having a career and not knowing what I wanted to do with my life on top of being a single mother, trying to provide for my boys, was hard for me. I didn’t take education seriously and didn’t realize what earning a degree at a younger age could have done for me. I was 40 years old when I earned my bachelor’s degree and when I think of the time that I could have spent in a job that I enjoyed, it makes me a bit sad. Now, I value education and am currently on track to receive my master’s degree.”

To all the young women out there who are just getting started I would say, don’t give up and don’t stop pursuing what you want out of life. Don’t let anyone tell you that you aren’t worthy of reaching your goals! Never stop learning and growing and don’t be afraid to ask for help. You’ll make mistakes and there will be days when you want to give up. But what you do in those moments will strengthen you and help shape you into the person you want to become. Take risks, make mistakes, and learn from them all.

Here are a few things you should know about Marianna: she is a single mom to three boys, a 23-year-old and 16-year-old twins. She enjoys hiking, biking, reading, going to concerts, baking and traveling. The actress most likely to play Marianna in a movie is Sandra Bullock or Angie Harmon.

Marianna brings grace and authenticity with all that she does. We are lucky to have her on our team! Know a Red Crosser who is making an impact and want to recognize them? Send us an email at and tell us why,

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