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Women's History Month Spotlight: Eva Robertson

There are so many ways that one can celebrate Women’s History Month, and we’re interviewing women leaders who inspire us – and the communities we serve.

Meet Eva Robertson. In Eva's role, she is responsible for community engagement and ensuring a smooth grant-writing process at Protective Life Corporation. Eva is known in the community for her compassionate leadership so we asked Eva what Women’s History Month means to her and here’s what she had to say…

"Women’s History Month is a great time to affirm the courage, intelligence, creativity, and resilience of other women, past and present. This is a month when we are reminded to support and celebrate each other. I grew up surrounded by strong women. Family was always central to their lives, but each one had a passion that they worked to develop based on their own ambitions and initiative.

My journey with Protective has spanned nearly 40 years. During that time, I’ve had the opportunity to serve in multiple roles. With each new challenge, I knew that the greatest investment I could make to create success for our customers, employees and investors was to be fearless and candid. This is the mindset that I applied to most of the professional opportunities. I know that with each challenge, I’ve learned, and I have matured."

Eva believes that one of the biggest challenges facing women in the workplace today is pay parity. “The pay gap follows women into retirement and as a result of lower lifetime earnings, they receive less in Social Security and pensions. This becomes a retirement crisis for us all.

It is for this reason that women should be included in leadership roles. Studies have shown definitively that performance improves when we include a diverse set of ideas in the process. Additionally, according to the 2021 U.S. Census Bureau, out of about 11 million single-parent families with children under the age of 18, nearly 80 percent were headed by single mothers. The opportunity to learn and progress in careers represents financial security for a huge portion of our US population.

Today my role is with the Protective Life Foundation. For me, it is a dream job. I love that I get to bring to life the heart, soul and culture of our company to the communities where we live and work. We are all protectors. I’m proud to stand with the American Red Cross. The organization was founded by a woman and has, throughout its history, been guided by strong female leaders. The heart of the Red Cross lies in being an organization that is strong enough to protect the least of us."

Thank you for your support, Eva! There's still time to recognize a woman who has made an impact in your life. But don't wait for women's history month, celebrate their contributions throughout the year! Here's a great way to get started - learn more about the Red Cross and its founding history at

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